Curriculum Intent
"Our Geography curriculum inspires in our children a curiosity about the world around them. We equip children with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources of our world and natural and human environments. Running through our curriculum is the acquisition of key geographical skills: fieldwork, interpreting a range of sources of geographical information and communicating geographical information in a variety of ways."
"Our Geography curriculum inspires in our children a curiosity about the world around them. We equip children with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources of our world and natural and human environments. Running through our curriculum is the acquisition of key geographical skills: fieldwork, interpreting a range of sources of geographical information and communicating geographical information in a variety of ways."
Curriculum Implementation
For further information about how we implement this intent, please see our Geography Curriculum Map -
Geography Curriculum Map
For further information about how we implement this intent, please see our Geography Curriculum Map -
Geography Curriculum Map