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Photographic Permissions
Acceptable Usage Policy EYFS/KS1
Acceptable Usage Policy KS2
Nursery (FS1)
Nursery Class Information
Nursery 'Remote Learning Provision' Spring 2021
Nursery 'Lockdown' Provision (Summer 2020)
Reception (FS2)
Reception Class Information
Reception 'Remote Learning Provision' Spring 2021
Reception 'Lockdown' Provision (Summer 2020)
Year 1
Year 1 Class Information
Year 1 'Remote Learning Provision' Spring 2021
Year 1 'Lockdown' Provision (Summer 2020)
Year 2
Year 2 Class Information
Year 2 Phase 3 Provision Summer 2021
Year 2 'Remote Learning Provision' Spring 2021
Year 2 'Lockdown' Provision (Summer 2020)
Year 3
Year 3 Class Information
Year 3 Phase 3 Provision Summer 2021
Year 3 'Remote Learning Provision' Spring 2021
Year 3 'Lockdown' Provision (Summer 2020)
Year 4
Year 4 Class Information
Year 4 'Remote Learning Provision' Spring 2021
Year 4 'Lockdown' Provision
Year 5
Year 5 Class Information
Year 5 Phase 3 Provision Summer 2021
Year 5 'Remote Learning Provision' Spring 2021
Year 5 'Lockdown' Provision (Summer 2020)
Year 6
Year 6 Class Information
Year 6 Phase 3 Provision Summer 2021
Year 6 'Remote Learning Provision' Spring 2021
Year 6 'Lockdown' Provision (Summer 2020)
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Photographic Permissions
As part of our Safeguarding procedures, we ask all parents/carers to complete the following form - the Photographic Permissions Consent Form (which covers how we can use your child's image and/or work and requires your consent). This form is for all children entering Nursery through to Year 6 (We only ask you to complete this form once, on entry to any of our EYFS/KS1/KS2 classes, however, if you wish to change your choices at any stage, please contact the school office who will be happy to amend these accordingly).
Please take the time to READ and complete this form. Without your agreement and consent we will not be able to use your child's image for any purpose - including; evidence of their work (stuck in books), used for display purposes or in newsletters/publications.
You will need to complete a separate form for each child.
Indicates required field
Child's Name
Child's Year Group
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Consent for Children to Appear in Photographs or Videos and How They Will Be Used
Occasionally, we take photographs of the children at our school. The use of digital/ video images plays an important part in learning activities. Pupils and members of staff may use digital cameras to record evidence of activities in lessons and out of school. These images may be used to celebrate success, through their publication in half-termly Newsletters, Sports Newsletters, the school prospectus or on project display boards in school. Images may also be used on the school website and occasionally in the public media (Local/National press). We may also make video recordings in some curriculum areas to provide us with assessment evidence.
In accordance with guidance from the Information Commissioner’s Office, parents/ carers are welcome to take videos and digital images of their children at school events for their own personal use (as such use is not covered by the Data Protection Act). To respect everyone’s privacy and in some cases protection, these images should not be published/ made publicly available on social networking sites, nor should parents/ carers comment on any activities involving other pupils in the digital/ video images.
It is important we protect your child’s interests, respect your wishes and comply with Data Protection Law, therefore we request parents/ carers permission for taking images of members of the school.
Parents/ carers are required to complete the permission form below (one for each child) to allow the school to take and use images/video of their children and for the parents/ carers to agree to their use.
Conditions of Use:
This form is valid for the period your child attends George Fentham. Your consent will automatically expire after this time.
The school will not re-use any photographs or recordings of your child that are incompatible with the original purposes explained to you.
If we use photographs of individual pupils, we will not use the full name of that child in any accompanying text or caption, nor will we include any other personal information.
We may use group or class photographs or footage with very general labels, such as ‘a science lesson’.
We will only use photographs and videos of pupils who are suitably dressed.
Parents should note that websites can be viewed throughout the world and not just in the United Kingdom, where UK law applies.
Further information on how we use your information and your child’s personal information is in the Fair Processing Notices available via the following school website link:
Thank you for your support
Yours sincerely
Mrs J Gaughan
Head Teacher
Are you happy for your child's photograph, and just their first name, to be used for "in school" purposes (displays, stuck in books etc)? Please note: Displays, newsletters and work in books are generally only viewed by staff, pupils, parents, carers and other visitors to the school.
In School Purpose
Are you happy for us to use your child’s photograph in the school prospectus, school newsletters and other printed publications (this may include; Public Media – to include Local/National Press) that we produce for informational and promotional purposes? Please note: Printed publications are available to, and may be seen by, anyone - they are also often published on our school website.
School Prospectus, newsletters, local media
Are you happy for us to specifically use your child’s photograph (within the webpages, rather than within a published document) on the school's website? Please note: Websites can be viewed throughout the world, not just the United Kingdom where UK law applies.
School Website
Are you happy for us to record your child on video for internal school events (such as class assemblies and Christmas productions), external school events (Young Voices), sporting events (Athletics), school trips and/or assessment purposes? Please note: this may include your child’s voice as well as their image. Videos will only be used within school.
Video recording for school purposes
By ticking the 'I consent' box and typing your full name in the box below, you are providing an electronic signature that gives your consent for the choices made above.
I consent
Electronic Signature