
Our school follows Solihull MBC's admission arrangements. Further information is available here:
Please click on the appropriate link below to see our current 'Admissions Policy' for;
Nursery 2024/25 Nursery 2025/26
Reception 2024/25 Reception 2025/26
In Year admissions - Please refer to the current Reception Admissions Policy for information and then contact the School Admissions Team, Solihull MBC on 0121 704 6693.
We welcome all applications. Parents are invited to make an appointment to visit us during the school day.
Applications for a Nursery place
If you would like to apply for a Nursery place to start in September 2025 you should apply to George Fentham Endowed School by December 2nd, 2024. You may make a late online application after the closing date, but this will have implications should we be oversubscribed.
Offers will be made on January 31st, 2025.
Click the link below to access the application form;
George Fentham Endowed School Nursery Application Form
Applications for a place in Reception
If you would like to apply online for a Reception place starting in September 2025 you should apply online to your home council by January 15th, 2025. If you miss the closing date you should contact your home council but, again, this will have implications if we are oversubscribed. Offers will be made on April 16th, 2025.
Applications for places in Years 1 to 6 (In year applications)
If you would like to apply for a place to start at any time other than the normal point of intake you can find a form on the Solihull Council website or phone them for a form.
Solihull Council Website - Admissions (Click link to go straight to their webpage)
Admission arrangements
These documents explain how we will work with Solihull Council throughout the application process. They also show how places will be offered if there are more applications than places available. They are reviewed and published every year.
Admission arrangements for 2024 - 25 (See links at the top of page)
If you are not offered a place at this school you have the right of appeal against the decision not to allocate a place to your child. Your appeal must be made within 28 calendar days of the refused place.
Should you wish to appeal, please contact the school office for an appeal form. Please complete and return to the school office, marked “Appeal Form” and addressed to the Chair of Governors. You must give written reasons for your appeal. As a Voluntary Aided School, appeals are referred to Birmingham Diocese and are heard by an independent panel.
Your appeal will be heard within the following timetable:
Closing date for receipt Your appeal (where possible)
of your written appeal: will be heard in:
Reception places for children June 2nd, 2025 June/July (and by July 21st, 2025)
starting September 2025 where practicable.
Change of school (application 20 school days after receipt 30 school days after your appeal
at any time other than normal of your outcome (refusal) letter form has been received by the
intake) Appeals Clerk.
Appeals received after June 2nd, 2025 (late appeals) will be heard in June/July, 2025 only where practicable or within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged (whichever is later), where practicable. It may not be possible to hear late appeals before the start of the new school year in September 2025. Appeals are not heard during school holidays.
Throughout any of these processes, we will ensure that:
Mrs J Gaughan
Head Teacher
Please click on the appropriate link below to see our current 'Admissions Policy' for;
Nursery 2024/25 Nursery 2025/26
Reception 2024/25 Reception 2025/26
In Year admissions - Please refer to the current Reception Admissions Policy for information and then contact the School Admissions Team, Solihull MBC on 0121 704 6693.
We welcome all applications. Parents are invited to make an appointment to visit us during the school day.
Applications for a Nursery place
If you would like to apply for a Nursery place to start in September 2025 you should apply to George Fentham Endowed School by December 2nd, 2024. You may make a late online application after the closing date, but this will have implications should we be oversubscribed.
Offers will be made on January 31st, 2025.
Click the link below to access the application form;
George Fentham Endowed School Nursery Application Form
Applications for a place in Reception
If you would like to apply online for a Reception place starting in September 2025 you should apply online to your home council by January 15th, 2025. If you miss the closing date you should contact your home council but, again, this will have implications if we are oversubscribed. Offers will be made on April 16th, 2025.
Applications for places in Years 1 to 6 (In year applications)
If you would like to apply for a place to start at any time other than the normal point of intake you can find a form on the Solihull Council website or phone them for a form.
Solihull Council Website - Admissions (Click link to go straight to their webpage)
Admission arrangements
These documents explain how we will work with Solihull Council throughout the application process. They also show how places will be offered if there are more applications than places available. They are reviewed and published every year.
Admission arrangements for 2024 - 25 (See links at the top of page)
If you are not offered a place at this school you have the right of appeal against the decision not to allocate a place to your child. Your appeal must be made within 28 calendar days of the refused place.
Should you wish to appeal, please contact the school office for an appeal form. Please complete and return to the school office, marked “Appeal Form” and addressed to the Chair of Governors. You must give written reasons for your appeal. As a Voluntary Aided School, appeals are referred to Birmingham Diocese and are heard by an independent panel.
Your appeal will be heard within the following timetable:
Closing date for receipt Your appeal (where possible)
of your written appeal: will be heard in:
Reception places for children June 2nd, 2025 June/July (and by July 21st, 2025)
starting September 2025 where practicable.
Change of school (application 20 school days after receipt 30 school days after your appeal
at any time other than normal of your outcome (refusal) letter form has been received by the
intake) Appeals Clerk.
Appeals received after June 2nd, 2025 (late appeals) will be heard in June/July, 2025 only where practicable or within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged (whichever is later), where practicable. It may not be possible to hear late appeals before the start of the new school year in September 2025. Appeals are not heard during school holidays.
Throughout any of these processes, we will ensure that:
- those making an appeal receive at least 10 calendar days' notice of their appeal hearing date, where practicable.
- appeal papers are sent out to all parties at least 5 school days before the hearing, wherever possible.
- decision letters are sent out within 5 school days of the hearing, where practicable.
Mrs J Gaughan
Head Teacher
All information contained on this website is available, free of charge, in paper format from the School Office.
© Copyright George Fentham Endowed School.
All rights reserved. Some content is licensed or used by permission of other copyright holders.
© Copyright George Fentham Endowed School.
All rights reserved. Some content is licensed or used by permission of other copyright holders.